Monday, September 30, 2024

Winter Roof Care for Commercial Spaces: Avoiding Common Mistakes

Snow covered amusement park

As the winter season approaches, commercial property owners face unique challenges in maintaining their buildings. One critical aspect that often gets overlooked is winter roof care. The importance of proper roof maintenance during the colder months cannot be overstated, as neglect can lead to costly repairs and business disruptions. We’ll focus on the common mistakes to avoid when it comes to winter roof care for commercial properties, guiding you through three crucial stages: property inspection, strategic planning, and proactive winter care.   

While Texas may not be known for harsh winters, the state still experiences its fair share of cold weather that can impact roofs. The occasional snowfall, freezing temperatures, and rapid temperature fluctuations can all take a toll on roofing systems. Snow accumulation, though rare, can lead to excessive weight on the roof, while ice formation can cause damage to gutter and drainage systems. 

To mitigate these risks, it’s essential to have a winter weather plan in place. 

Stage 1: Property Inspection 

The first and perhaps most critical stage in winter roof care is conducting a thorough property inspection. Many commercial property owners make the mistake of skipping this crucial step, leading to undetected issues that can worsen during winter. To avoid this, it’s important to schedule comprehensive roof inspections before the chilly weather sets in. 

When inspecting your commercial roof, pay close attention to common vulnerabilities such as flashing, seams, and drainage systems. These areas are often the first to show signs of wear and tear and can be entry points for water if not properly maintained. Here’s a detailed checklist to guide your roof inspection: 

  1. Check for loose or damaged flashing around chimneys, vents, and other roof penetrations. 
  2. Inspect the condition of roofing materials, looking for signs of wear, cracks, or blistering. 
  3. Examine gutters and downspouts for proper attachment and clear any debris that could impede water flow. 
  4. Look for signs of previous leaks or water damage on the ceiling or walls inside the building. 
  5. Inspect the roof deck for any signs of sagging or unevenness. 
  6. Check the condition of expansion joints and ensure they are properly sealed. 
  7. Examine the perimeter of the roof, including parapet walls and coping caps. 


It’s also crucial to inspect surrounding areas that can impact roof performance. This includes checking windows for proper sealing and ensuring that landscaping near the building doesn’t pose a risk to the roof during winter storms. 

Another often overlooked aspect of property inspection is checking HVAC systems. These systems play a vital role in maintaining proper temperature and moisture levels in your commercial space.  

Ensure that all HVAC units on the roof are properly secured and that their drainage systems are functioning correctly to prevent water accumulation on the roof. 

Stage 2: Strategic Planning 

Once you’ve completed a thorough inspection, the next stage is strategic planning. This is where many commercial property owners fall short, failing to create a comprehensive winter weather plan. A well-thought-out strategy is essential for maintaining your roof and ensuring business continuity throughout the winter months. 

One key element of your winter plan should be arranging for professional snow removal services. While Texas may not see frequent heavy snowfall, it’s important to be prepared for those rare occasions when significant accumulation occurs. Hiring a reputable snow removal company in advance ensures that you have reliable assistance when you need it most. This proactive approach can prevent the build-up of excessive weight on your roof and reduce the risk of structural damage. 

Your winter plan should include a maintenance schedule for regular roof inspections and repairs throughout the season. This might involve partnering with a professional roofing company to conduct periodic checks and address any issues promptly. 

Another aspect of strategic planning is protecting your landscaping. Trimming trees and removing dead branches near your building can prevent damage to your roof during winter storms. Consider installing snow fences or other barriers to protect vulnerable areas of your property from snow drifts and ice accumulation.  

Stage 3: Winter Proactiveness and Protection 

The final stage of effective winter roof care is maintaining vigilance throughout the season. This is where many property owners become complacent, assuming their pre-winter preparations are sufficient. However, ongoing attention to your roof’s condition is crucial for preventing damage and catching issues early. 

One important aspect of winter vigilance is the proper use of deicers and drainage techniques. While deicers can be effective in preventing ice buildup, using the wrong type or applying them incorrectly can damage your roofing materials. Consult with a roofing professional to determine the best deicing products and methods for your specific roof type. 

Maintaining proper drainage is equally important. Regularly check and clear gutters and downspouts to ensure that melting snow and ice can flow freely away from your roof and building foundation. This helps prevent ice dams and water backup that can lead to leaks and structural damage. 

Throughout the winter, conduct regular visual inspections of your roof, especially after significant weather events. Look for signs of damage, such as missing shingles, ice buildup, or areas where snow is not melting uniformly (which can indicate heat loss). If you notice any issues, address them promptly to prevent them from escalating into more serious problems. 

Don’t forget to monitor the interior of your building as well. Check for signs of leaks, such as water stains on ceilings or walls, and investigate any unusual odors that might indicate the presence of mold or mildew due to water infiltration. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Winter Roof Care 

  1. Neglecting Regular Inspections: One of the most common and costly mistakes is failing to conduct regular roof inspections. This oversight can lead to undetected issues that worsen over time, resulting in expensive repairs or even premature roof replacement. Make it a priority to schedule professional inspections at least twice a year, including before and after the winter season. 
  2. Improper Snow Removal: While it’s important to remove excessive snow accumulation from your roof, using the wrong techniques can cause more harm than good. Avoid using metal tools or excessive force when removing snow, as this can damage roofing materials. Instead, use plastic snow rakes or hire professionals who understand safe snow removal methods for commercial roofs.
  3. Ignoring Minor Leaks: What may seem like a small leak can quickly turn into a major problem during winter. Water can freeze and expand, widening small cracks and compromising your roof’s integrity. Address any signs of leaks immediately, no matter how minor they may appear. 
  4. Overlooking Proper Insulation and Ventilation: Poor insulation and ventilation can lead to ice dam formation, which occurs when heat escaping from the building melts snow on the roof, only for it to refreeze at the eaves. Ensure your attic space is properly insulated and ventilated to maintain a consistent roof temperature and prevent ice dams. 
  5. Failing to Clear Debris: Leaves, branches, and other debris can accumulate on your roof and in gutters, impeding proper drainage. This can lead to water backup and potential leaks. Regular cleaning of your roof and gutters is essential for maintaining their functionality during winter. 
  6. Disregarding Professional Advice: While it may be tempting to handle all roof maintenance in-house, disregarding professional advice can be a costly mistake. Roofers have the knowledge and experience to identify potential issues and recommend appropriate solutions. Don’t hesitate to consult with professionals for complex roofing matters. 

Keeping Your Business Open During the Harsh Winter with Roof Care 

Effective winter roof care is crucial for maintaining business continuity during the colder months. By avoiding common mistakes and implementing a comprehensive maintenance strategy, you can protect your commercial property from winter-related damage and ensure a safe environment for your employees and customers. 

Consider using commercial-grade sealants to reinforce vulnerable areas of your roof before winter sets in. These high-quality products can provide an extra layer of protection against moisture infiltration and temperature fluctuations. 

Remember, proactive maintenance is always more cost-effective than reactive repairs. Investing in professional evaluation services can help you identify potential issues before they become major problems.  

Act now to ensure your commercial roof is prepared! Whether you need a comprehensive roof inspection, advice on winter-proofing strategies, or emergency repair services, consider reaching out to Divided Sky for professional assistance. With the right approach to winter roof care, you can protect your investment and keep your business running smoothly all season long. 


How often should I have my commercial roof inspected during winter? 

It’s recommended to have professional inspections at least twice during the winter season – once before winter begins and once after it ends. However, visual checks should be conducted more frequently, especially after severe weather events. 

Can I remove snow from my commercial roof myself? 

While it’s possible to remove small amounts of snow using proper tools, it’s safer and more effective to hire professionals for snow removal on commercial roofs. They have the right equipment and expertise to do the job without damaging your roof. 

What are the signs of an ice dam on my commercial roof? 

Signs of ice dams include icicles forming along the edges of the roof, ice buildup in gutters, and water stains or leaks on interior walls or ceilings. If you notice these signs, it’s important to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage. 

How can I prevent frozen pipes in my commercial building during winter? 

To prevent frozen pipes, ensure proper insulation, especially in unheated areas. Keep the building heated, even when unoccupied, and consider using heat tape on vulnerable pipes. Also, let faucets drip slightly during extremely cold weather to keep water flowing. 

What type of deicer is safe to use on a commercial roof? 

The safest deicers for most commercial roofs are calcium chloride or magnesium chloride-based products. Avoid using rock salt (sodium chloride) as it can damage roofing materials and vegetation. Always consult with a roofing professional before applying any deicing products. 

How does proper attic ventilation help protect my commercial roof in winter? 

Proper attic ventilation helps maintain a consistent temperature on your roof surface, preventing the formation of ice dams. It also reduces moisture buildup, which can lead to mold growth and wood rot in the roof structure. Ensure your attic has adequate intake and exhaust vents to promote air circulation. 


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